157824-001 Системная плата System I/O board (motherboard) Includes two processor sockets, rear panel SCSI connector, two serial ports, video port, NIC ports, parallel printer, mouse port, and keyboard port для DL 380 G1/ML370 G1/CL380 G1
157824-001 Системная плата System I/O board (motherboard) Includes two processor sockets, rear panel SCSI connector, two serial ports, video port, NIC ports, parallel printer, mouse port, and keyboard port для DL 380 G1/ML370 G1/CL380 G1
157824-001 Системная плата System I/O board (motherboard) Includes two processor sockets, rear panel SCSI connector, two serial ports, video port, NIC ports, parallel printer, mouse port, and keyboard port для DL 380 G1/ML370 G1/CL380 G1